We at Goodyear make a variety of parts using our Quality Process Listed EPDM compounds for Boeing.

Goodyear Rubber Co of So Ca is a manufacturer of custom molded rubber products and rubber compounds, seals and O-rings. We manufacture a robust variety EPDM products. We use transfer, compression and injection molding processes to meet your precise design requirements. Whether your needs are rapid-cast prototypes or extended production runs, Goodyear Rubber Company of Southern California is the First Name in Rubber for a reason!

Type 1 (black)
Tensile Strength, psi Minimum 200025002500250020001500D 412
Elongation, % Minimum 450400400350250175D 412
Tear Resistance, ppi Minimum 100150150150150100D 624
Tensile Stress - Report At (Note 1) 200%200%200%150%100%100%D 412
Type 2 (Nonblack)
Tensile Strength, psi Minimum 150020002200200015001500D 412
Elongation, % Minimum 600600500500400400D 412
Tear Resistance, ppi Minimum 125150150150125125D 624
Tensile Stress - 300%300%300%300%200%200%D 412
Report At (Note 1)
Type 1 and 2
Hardness, Durometer “A” (± 5) 405060708090D 2240
(Max. Variation From App. Comp. ± 3)
Density - Report D 297
(Max. Variation ± 0.02)
Total Ash - Report D 297
(Max. Variation ± 10%)
Dry Heat Resistance
22 Hours At 121°C (250°F)
Tensile Change, % Maximum -15-15-15-15-15-15D 573
Elongation Change, % Maximum -20-20-20-20-20-20D 573
Hardness Change, Maximum, Type 1 555555D 573
Type 2 101010101010D 573
Phosphate Ester Fluid Resistance
(DMS 2014, Type 4, Class 2)
22 Hours at 121°C (250°F)
Tensile Change, % Maximum -30-25-20-20-15-15D 471
Elongation Change, % Maximum -20-20-20-20-20-20D 471
Hardness Change, Maximum -15-10-10-10-10-10D 471
Volume Change, % Maximum 151515151010D 471
Compression Set (Sample-Plied Up Discs)
Percent of Original Deflection:
Type 1 - 22 Hours At 100°C (212°F) 252020202535D 395
Type 2 - 22 Hours At 70°C (158°F) 302525253030D 395
Low Temperature Brittleness Per Para.No CracksD 746
9.2 of ASTM, At -55°C (-67°F)